- 11:23 PM
anyway pictures to relieve those moments i mentioned below are HERE .
got some pictures from jj.
farewell. - 10:26 AM
yes, so wat has been happenning since Majestia? hahaha loads of stuff. and i've really try to put all the other things at the back of my mind and truly enjoy these days of fun with ppl whom i may not get to go out with next time =S
Sunday. went to church. den we had JTS! hmm yar so we arrived a little late coz bus 29 broke down. rarrrrrrrr thus missed the first game. but subsequently was dinner time. haha a pity we ate some expensive food frm Central before that! ok nvm i still ate like a pig. den they played the video made by Conran. hmm the video really brought back lots and lots of memories of Hawaii. though funny at certain parts, it was quite touching too. yeah after that stoned around. haunted house. rented bikes. cycled to Pasir Ris park! all the way frm Changi. i almost died going up all the slopes considering my stamina's like close to zero after not running for 3 weeks! met some err Trans. and got chased by them! hahah scary. went to Old Changi Hospital after that. omg i was damn scared lah. grabbed on to my partner like nobody's business. luckily Vera was there. if not... den after that i had to leave. thanx yr1s for the wonderful jts!
Monday. had attachment early in the morning. and i fell asleep. really bad so i had to go wash my face. reached home and just plonked on my bed and fell asleep.
Tuesday. had that phychometric test by PSC early in the morning. i reached there at 8.30 as stated by the paper. but the guy frm PSC arrived at 8.45? hmm scholars?...... sat there guessing puzzles and crawling through maths. finally rushed through the personality test and went for band! hahaha it was Investiture. came quite in time for me to collect my Archive comm cert -_- yeah speeches and all den it was gift time. and den a whole load of photo taking time. in which me, Vera and Gladys stoned there. it was amazing how guys took more photos than girls. hahaha den finally went to Marina for bowling. first game i did a 79 and the nxt game a 51? hahaha. wanted to watch over the hedge but didn't and den after that we ended up at tm's PARIS! hahaha omg we ate and ate and ate and ate. till we were so full to sit down. and we ended off with another round of photo taking session.
i really really enjoyed myself yesterday! all the jokes, all the laughter over dinner. wat with thumbtacs. haha. towards the end some kind of sadness washed over me. coz all this fun and laughter was going to end. and i really didn't want it to.
it's back to mugging again =(

Saturday, May 27, 2006

yes and i also vividly remember spending quite alot of time discussing our perc ensem item. from the tough decision on our piece to how we were going to present ourselves, to the lightings. and i'd have to say most of the credits goes to Chris and Waiyip. i was really nervous before the perc ensem coz my rhythym hasn't been steady for all the past practises. but i managed to hit QUITE together for that whole chunk. really have to thank Christa, Chris and Sidney for calming me down and telling me not to worry.
and den the concert ended and we sang Victorian's Anthem and cheered our hearts out. not to mention Mr Tan's tribute to the yr2s. it was quite touching. Hu Shing, Jie Yi, and Sybil were waiting for me so i chatted with them. hahaha. sorry i didn't join ur for supper! sorry! see ur soon. after our exams! really appreciate ur for coming! didn't really move instrus back coz was talking to them. yeah den got back to the band room packed my stuff and we set off for XMEN III with yr1s: Sidney, Vera, Benny, Gladys. yr2s: Lin Zheng, Chris, Mervyn, Jie Jun, Terrence, Jaslyn. Cheonghing and Randall joined us later. bought like 5th row tickets. not that bad lah.. neck didn't ache so much. we were hugging vera's patrick and trying not to fall asleep. haha went to glutton's bay for supper.
reached home and packed all my letters and gifts. trimmed my flowers and Sidney's flowers and arranged them nicely. and all the events that happened that day made it hard to fall asleep.
woke up feeling like crap. coz the first thought i had was Majestia's over. i won't be seeing my batchmates and jnrs anymore. i can't wait for Sunday to come but wish that Monday wouldn't. when will i start to come to terms with reality.
Majestia XXI pictures uploaded already.
anyway, i love VJCSSB to bits. especially PERCUSSION. especially Waiyip, Christopher, Mervyn and Tracy, my batchmates. i'm really glad to have played my last concert with each and everyone of you!

Sunday, May 21, 2006
sneeze - 12:45 AM
wanted to blog yesterday but i was just too tired i konked out.
thursday. school. ponned S papers and went for perc sectionals instead. slacked away till 9.30pm walking from ps to suntec when we went to watch DA VINCI CODE! on the opening day! hahaha cool. but having slept at 3am the day before i was fighting back the sleepyness. but i managed to stay awake. and the movie was not bad lah. just felt it was a little draggy at the back. and tom hanks is totally -_- sorry to say but eye sore? as in he doesn't suit Robert Langdon at all! reached home at 1am =S
friday. crawled out of bed with 3 hours of sleep. was in a realm of my own during lessons and when school ended, went to have individuals for abt 45mins. [haiz TECHNOLOGY!!! STROKES!!!] den went down to Toa Payoh sports hall for bball match. the girls lost. but its over. and we should really applaude them for theis hardwork! watched the guys match of HCI vs AJC. not bad quite nice. went to cut hair after that[the long journey to chua chu kang] my hair basically looks the same. neater though i shld say. i like my new fringe. not very noticable difference though.
saturday. band practice. the band played alot better than wednesday. hope our concert would be ok. unfortunately i need daily stroking and quite a miracle to play technology and new world. can't believe its the last Saturday band prac i'll ever have in my entire life. had batch meeting after that. den went of for hs's bday party. thought i'd be late coz she asked me to come early so i cabbed there paying $10! and i was the first to reach -_- and we were wearing the same kind of outfit coz we bought the shorts together. HAHA. ate like a pig. chatted to sec school friends. thought abt old days. and my friend said "yar, last time Simeng always sleep in class!" woah, so i was known for that! hahaha.. took bus home. was listening to my playlist of sad songs. brought back so many memories. i've been in a reminiscing mood today. i think it irritates ppl so i shall stop telling ppl abt it.
i've decided to STOP talking about calories and fattenning food. its getting irritating.
nothing much to blog abt. i think i said too much today. consequences i dare not think of.
fast forward.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
student portal - 12:15 AM
oh no..
i've spent my time since 9 sitting in front of the computer. unfortunately not doing my essay, but chatting to ppl abt post-majestia period. have u ever stopped and wondered how it'll be like? i guess for some it wouldn't make that much a difference. like there's still mornings when u enter the band room and chat. but like no more sitting as a section in the band room chatting during combine, having "sectionals", band dinner, band lunches. u'll be going home everyday after school. constantly reminded by teachers ur prelims are a few weeks away. wednesday u'll be home latest by 1.30! life'll be boring =S
ok this is a weird post. i better be off to do nuclear physics. haiz.
Monday, May 15, 2006
bad feeling - 12:46 AM
sadly no, there's this bad feeling right inside me. i think i may know the reason. ARGH.........
there's so many things to do so little time. just feel like staying at home every single day. there's present to buy tmr + maths tuition. choir concert on tues. [it's damn ex. kinda regret buying considering the fact i'm broke beyong hope] wed there's band. and i'm like msging everyone to confirm whether their going or not. thurs err maybe sectionals? fri there's tuition. sat there's full day BAND. and bday party after that. stayover which i want to stay but i noe i shouldn't. sun's tutorial day disguised as rest day. and then the following week is majestia. so fast. too fast. and after that is block test and prelims and As. and i'm out of vj. TOO FAST!
i can't seem to sleep every sunday night. i wonder why. HAIZ.
i think i need to start speaking up for myself. but i'll feel i'm being selfish. can't seem to draw a line between those 2. but seriously, there's a limit to how much i can take.
just random ramblings. things that have been bothering me for a long time.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
shopping - 12:40 AM
lets start from the beginning. err went for porridge buffet with hs. lots of varieties but doubt i'll go there again. as in the food wasn't great nor was it bad. combed the whole suntec and got a whole load of clothing totalling 3 plastic bags.
proceeded to citylink. pondered on the chocolixir ($8!) and decided against. proceeded to cine for ear rings. hs bought a total of 7 pairs! i bought 1. haha den to taka for Zara carrying 4plastic bags, and then to the now defunct Hagen Daaz. went on to lucky plaza bought 2 necklaces. walked towards mrt to realise i was holding on to 3 bags only. like @#$% where in the world did i lose that 1 bag! traced my path back to lucky plaza. negative. zara, negative. fine, the fact settled in. its gone. HOW DID I MANAGE TO LOSE A SHOPPING BAG!? tried to calm down with a melon blend hagen daaz ice cream (free) [btw, it taste exactly like rockmelon. wat a waste of money] den went to F Women to try and buy the same t shirt again. nope, they don't carry that design. neither did wisma. i was really feeeling so ARGH i went back to Suntec. [at this point ur probably thinking i'm mad.] and i found 1 piece but 1 size smaller. tried it and it fit anyway. and i bought it. OH NO!!! i feel kinda guilty now!
anyways i'm positively broke. i'm seriously thinking of lunching on an apple a day to save money. there's still SDD and mother's day gift. if only money grew on trees.
TOTAL EXPENDITURE = $131.90 [$73(mine) + $58.90(parents)]
thats 2+ wks of allowance!really feeling guilty now. shall try to save from tmr onwards!
k enought abt it. there's band tmr frm 8 - 4 and i have to call and order the durian cake and msg my sis to share the mother's day present, and tell my mom i'm gg for the imh thing when i'm gg to collect her cake, and rush tutorials.
tell me i'd stop losing things. perhaps i'm really distracted.
Friday, May 12, 2006
mood swings - 12:28 AM
came back from CO concert not long ago. woah the percussionist strokes are like really fast? as in i THINK they use a different kind of stroke [sorry if i've gotten it wrong] but oi was saying u can't see the strokes when the guy's rolling his timpani. hahaha and they had a song where they used 6 timpanis! woah i wonder where they get so many timpani's from. they have like 2 sets? ok watever. had sectionals before the concert to decide on what we're playing for perc ensem. and i seroiusly think i need PROPER stroking. gotta practise hard now. and i need to do individuals for my pieces like new world, ensem, AGX.
the concert ended late and i reached home in a foul temper. all brought about by super small things.
1) they were resurfacing the road at Eunos, causing a tailback all the way at still road. being exhausted and dying to get home, i was saying to myself why can't they resurface the road on another day another time.
2) i was supposed to call my dad to check if he's able to pick me but he didn't pick up his phone.
3) feeling really fat.
4) mom was nagging about studying and not going out the whole day tmr. i couldn't take it and i just told her to stop talking about studies to me.
5) headache. not one fo the most comfortable times.
ahh but feeling better now. wrapped my phy tys finally! mended some of the dog ears at the corner. and shun bian did the same for my bio option txtbook and my maths tys. thought i'll go online to copy the additional notes for bio but think i'll just go and sleep.
night everyone!
displaced and hanging in mid air. [i left my tys in the canteen. i dropped my wallet in the pt while finding a seat. but found it though. my hair's dropping. my body system's screwed. i wonder whats wrong.]
Sunday, May 07, 2006
just feel like blogging. - 8:26 PM
there. nothing much to blog about. basically these 2 days have been spent lazing at home. following my parents out for ever fattenning meals. thus i ran to punggol park yesterday and did 3 rounds. so in total that was about 3.6+km? ahh but my knee hurts now.but i juz realised running alone listening to my playlist is a really nice thing to do. coz its like after all the stress from school and everything u have a little time to urself to think about things, and to complement that u get the wind in ur face and the great feeling of having a work out. i'm going to find time to do that a few times a week if possible.
i have 5 items tmr. doesn't look promising. haven't been training inclined pull ups and shuttle run. HAIZ. i guess its a silver this year.
fattenning food i ate these 2 days include oily fried bee hoon, dim sum[again], fried cutlet. and the weighing scale doesn't give me a very encouraging reading. haiz. thus me and my mom have decided to start eating low fat and healthy frm tmr onwards. haha she's decided to co operate with me and cook healthier food!
messy, jumbled, disorganised.
Friday, May 05, 2006
edgy. - 9:29 PM
sat through chem test ammending correct ans to the wrong ones. argh. so i guess i prob won't do very well for the chem test. yupp so it was thurs and i went for a rally after that. the first rally in my life. hahaha quite insightful i should say, only drawback is comprising my aching legs coz like ur standing in the middle of a muddy field filled with a significant number of older ppl and constantly inhaling cigarrette smoke. oh wells, don't regret it though. my parents are at Serangoon stadium now watching another one. supposed to go with Oi and Steph but Steph couldn't make it so yeah. yupp..
had half day today. ponned bio lect coz phy tut ended late so effectively we were supposed to have 25mins left of lect. oh wells, seems like everybody else did pon bio lect too so the lecturer decided to take attendance at the end of the lecture. and thus our names were given to Chong. but the thing is, there were onli 6 of us that pon in out class. oh wells. better be prepared for monday. heard other classes had 2 ppl in the lecture onli. oh wells, went to crystal jade for dim sum after that. had char siew sou, char siew pau, chee cheong fun, chestnut cake, taro puff, red bean pancake, egg tart. not bad. but terribly oily. think i'll have a green tea after blogging. yupp den i bought sushi later =S met Andy and Matt and went to cine to watch movie. eventually decided on MI3. hahaha but we bought the 4.40 ones coz the seats were better so we had trouble whiling the time away. the movie was quite nice to me. but xa thought it was ok onli. oh wells, lots of action and the sound was pretty loud with all the gun shots and the smashing glass. had a few scenes where i jumped out of my seat. haha. ate popcorn =S den they went home and i went to buy back subway for dinner coz my parents were out watching rally. den like after 1 min of queueing all of them came back. haha they said they wanted to buy cookie and also had to buy dinner home. haha so we ended up eating there. hmmm i was craving for subway after hearing xin hui talk so much abt it. hahaha. feel like eating it again tmr! yeah den went to Sun Moulin to buy bread. i dare say thats my FAVOURITE bakery! okay, that sounded totally dumb.
home. feel so tired. just feel like leaning back to read a good book or watch Lost.
clashing principles.
Monday, May 01, 2006
RARR - 9:37 PM
my parents have recently asked me to think of which universities i wanna study in and give them a list of it. so of course this would include what i WISH to study. so i was just telling them oh i'm quite interested in things like pharmacology, optometry, physio etc etc. ahh but den they tell me, "oh, this course is 4yrs." or "this course is for the locals there" or "this course won't get you very far". and it really pisses me of with the fact that they continually stress the fact that i should study what i like and have interest in and not what they want me to study. woah, so much for saying that. and thats not the end. so they pick up the university prospectus lying at home and they go "oh, this uni's MEDICINE course has to be done outside of blah blah blah" or "this uni's MEDICINE course blah blah blah" oh i think they have already predictated what i'd be interested in studying nxt time. if in this case u shldn't even ask me what i wanna study coz watever i say would be shot down by ur. like THANX.
this is not the first time this has happened and all the other times i've just kept quiet. like my dad told me one fine morning on the way to school. "hey, u shld really consider 2 options onli. 1)study at a prestigious uni in China. 2)study medcine." and den there are other times when he'd go "why not go to Brunei and study Medicine?"
its not onli universities that this kind of situation arises. i want to drop my chem S. but oh no MY decision doesn't seem to matter in whether I should take S papers. "why not discuss with ur sister?" "oh u always do things and give up halfway" in the first place i wasn't the one that wanted to take S papers. looking at things now i don't think i'd get to drop it. and den there was the time when i wanted to take PCME but i was forced to take triple science. i wonder when would i get a chance to start making my own decisions.
HAIZ. well mbbe its all meant for my own good. but how would you feel like if u have no say in ur own life?